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Marvelus Inc.

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Year founded: 
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Annual revenue:
S Hamilton, United States of America
Marvelus is revolutionizing the wellness industry with expert-led mental-emotional 'workouts'. We're here to boost your joy, resilience, and performance in a safe and fun environment. Come repeatedly for an immersive journey to well-being!

Global problems solved

Mental Health

Funding sources

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Consumer Apps

Programs participated in

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Last Updated:
March 13, 2024

About the company

Marvelus, a pioneer in the health, wellness, and fitness industry, delivers expert-led mental-emotional 'workouts'. Utilizing proven techniques for cultivating joy, building resilience, and fueling performance, Marvelus offers an enjoyable, safe, and immersive environment that individuals want to revisit repeatedly. Their unique approach to mental well-being harnesses the power of joy and resilience as key aspects of overall wellness, infusing fun and safety into every session. By merging intelligent strategies with a comfortable environment, Marvelus creates a potent blend of transformative resources for mental-emotional health.


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Case Study


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