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ELECTRON aerospace

Year founded: 
Funding raised: 
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Annual revenue:
Mildenhall, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Electron Aerospace designs and manufactures battery electric aircraft, providing sustainable aviation solutions. Offers eco-friendly air travel with reduced noise and zero emissions, targeting both commercial and personal transportation needs.

Global problems solved

Sustainable Cities
Clean Energy

Funding sources

Angel investment


Consumer Apps

Programs participated in

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Last Updated:
March 12, 2024

About the company

ELECTRON aerospace is an innovative company focusing on the future of aviation through environmentally friendly means. They specialize in designing, manufacturing, and selling battery electric aircraft. By harnessing the power of electric energy, ELECTRON aims to revolutionize the way we fly, reducing carbon footprints and fostering sustainability in the aerospace industry. Their craft are likely designed with both performance and the planet in mind, appealing to forward-thinking individuals and businesses eager to invest in clean technology. Check out ELECTRON's electrifying approach to air travel at http://www.flyelectron.eu and discover how they are taking the aviation sector to new, greener heights.


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Case Study


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