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Oxford, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Collegia redefines pensions with a streamlined, digital approach. We are connecting employers, investment managers, insurers in a simple, efficient, and reliable pension platform. Ensure a comfortable retirement with Collegia.

Global problems solved

Financial Inclusion

Funding sources

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Last Updated:
March 12, 2024

About the company

Collegia is revolutionizing the pension market with its cooperative, efficient, and transparent solutions. It targets the prevalent problem of scattered pension pots, simplifying pension provisioning for UK employees and creating a clearer view of their retirement finances. In contrast to existing systems, their digital platform acts as a mediator, efficiently transferring data between investment managers, insurers, payroll managers, and employers. Collegia enhances the experience of auto-enrollment by combining employer and personal contributions. It also provides a user-friendly retirement planning tool, promoting financial clarity and security for retirement. It aims to meet the market need vindicated by UK employers that are looking for innovative pension solutions. Collegia asserts a new norm: simple, efficient, sustainable pensions.


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Case Study


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